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Democratizing machine learning will transform IoT




In machine learning, optimized neural networks can be shrunk down to run on the small computing resources. Reducing a high-level, computationally intensive AI ormachine learning training modeldown into a TinyML version makes it possible for organizations to apply it to real-world IoT sensor-based applications. IoT applications focus on three key sensing areas: pattern and anomaly recognition in voice and audio, vibration, and vision in the form of digital images and video.

简单地说:机器学习已经成为可访问to all in wireless IoT because of abstracting the machine learning complexity away from the end user, such as through graphical data representations.

Why is this such a big deal?

凭借Tinyml,制造商可以介绍本地智能和决策几乎any product or application。Doing any kind of AI or machine learning before this technology meant sending vast amounts of data up to the cloud for analysis. The power required for data analysis in the cloud tended to rule out battery operation, and the cloud was also very costly because it involved powerful web servers.


无数产品和applications can be made 10 to 100 times smarter以前没有考虑或以商业可行的方式更有用。


The smart home


The smart home is a mess。竞争系统太多与彼此不相容,智能家居设备太难以设置。几乎所有的设备也要求您下载应用程序,这是一个无限制的应用程序所提供的功能。应用程序只是凌乱地混乱了用户的智能手机。

The smart home industry has recognized this problem in the form of the连接在IP上(CHIP) initiative, an open standard that will allow full compatibility between various smart home products.

However, the use machine learning is how we will finally see the smart home fulfilling on its potential. Machine learning will make setting up and using smart home devices not only simple and indispensable in their usefulness.



Machine learning for the masses

With machine learning, IoT will become an indispensable part of everyday lives, both private and professional.

最终用户不一定关心机器学习细节,但它们将关心毫不费力,直观的交互,无缝智能和有用操作方面的结果。许多设置和维护任务will be eliminated, 也。

Thousands ofTinyML-powered applicationsand products will emerge over the coming years. And these will all work together to make the world a bit safer, more comfortable, more efficient, less prone to breakdown and delays, more economical in its consumption of scarce resources and less wasteful.

All IoT Agenda network contributors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their posts. Opinions are of the writers and do not necessarily convey the thoughts of IoT Agenda.
