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How to develop edge computing solutions


在考虑如何使用Edge Computing Solutions架设尺度时,重要的是要在系统级环境中谈论硬件和软件。根据经验,这两个方面的需求越来越接近设备边缘。

I created the chart below to help visualize this dynamic. The blue line represents hardware complexity and the green line indicates software complexity. The X-axis represents the continuum from the cloud down through various edge categories, ultimately ending at the device edge in the physical world.

Figure 1: Inherent level of hardware and software customization from cloud to device edge. Source: Jason Shepherd of Dell Technologies

Hardware gets custom faster than software as you approach the device edge

在这个连续体中,有一些关键趋势会影响体系结构和设计决策IoT and edge computing。从硬件镜头中,当您进入远程磁场边缘时,您需要考虑升高的热支持以在密封的网络柜中24/7进行运行,以及潜在的特定于电信的设备认证。

遵循传统数据中心左侧左侧的蓝线,请注意硬件复杂性的增长速度比软件更快。当您接近IoT和Edge Gateway级计算时,您开始看到非常具体的I/O和连接协议的需求,许多选择Linux和Windows(我称之为OS汤)的许多选择 - 增加了坚固化,特定的形状和形式以及行业以及行业- 特定的功能和认证,例如1级,第2类,用于爆炸证明。

The sharp ramp in complexity at the embedded and control edge




该拐点是由总可用内存(而不是CPU处理能力)驱动的,如今,它通常约为512MB,足以容纳OS和最低集装箱应用程序集以实现有意义的目的。虚拟化和容器化提供的灵活性可以维持软件定义的灵活性,从云到所有薄的计算边缘都含有足迹税;但是,如果任何给定设备可以支持它,这是值得的权衡。最终,软件复杂度曲线与Extreme Device Edge处的硬件曲线达到了均衡,现在您也为每个设备创建自定义嵌入式软件。



Extend cloud-native principles, such as platform-independent, loosely-coupled microservice software architecture, down to as close to the thin compute edge as possible. In doing so, you can maintain more consistent software practices across more edges, even when you inevitably need to go more custom for the hardware. The opportunity to bridge the software-hardware complexity gap close to the thin compute edge with more consistent software tools is represented by the yellow bar in Figure 1. Further, abstracting software into individual microservices — such as discrete functions — as much as possible enables you to easily migrate workloads up and down the edge to cloud continuum as needed. For example, in an initial deployment you may start with running an AI model in the cloud for simplicity, but as your data volume grows you’ll find that you need to push that model down to a compute node closer to the device edge to act on data in the moment and only backhaul meaningful data for retention or further batch analysis.

利用开放式互操作性框架(例如Edgex Foundry)用于您的各种边缘计算部署。Edge X框架将云本地设计原理一直延伸到薄的计算边缘,提供了灵活性,同时还统一了围绕开放API的商业和开源值ADD的开放生态系统。此外,还将有嵌入式的商业变体将离散平台微服务压缩到基于C的小型二进制中,因此代码可以在高度约束的设备上运行或服务需要确定性实时的用例。灵活性和性能之间的权衡处涉及固有的物理学,但是即使这些压缩变体仍然能够利用Edgex生态系统中的大部分插入式增值,例如South-和South-and的设备和应用程序服务北部数据传输。在所有情况下,借助开放的供应商中立的Edgex API,您都可以通过第三方在更广泛的生态系统中编写的微服务更容易地发展解决方案。


Speaking of robustness, consider leveraging virtualization, automated workload management and orchestration tools and redundant hardware to provide fault tolerance in mission-critical use cases. Probably not something you’re going to care about if your edge solution is monitoring a connected cat toy, but certainly worth consideration if downtime in your factory costs thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars a minute.


Speaking of truck rolls, developers often overlook device management when启动一个物联网项目因为自然而然的是他们的第一个关注是他们的应用。重要的是要从一开始就真正考虑设备管理,不仅包括如何持续监控基础架构的健康状况,还包括如何在现场更新您部署的设备。当您在一到几个的聚会中进行POC时,很容易单独远程远程访问每个设备以通过命令行进行管理,但是尝试数千千万到数百万到数百万部署的设备。而您要做的最后一件事是用USB插入棍子上,手动更新设备。

Consider whether the infrastructure will be running on a LAN or WAN relative to the subscriber devices that access it. Note the break point in Figure 1. This makes a big difference in terms of tolerance for downtime in any given use case.

Modularize your hardware designs as much as possible, including with field-upgradable components. However, note that modularization can come with impact to cost and reliability since modular connections tend to be more failure-prone due to corrosion and vibration. In fact, it’s advisable to balance modularity with soldering down certain components – such as memory modules — on edge hardware that will run 24/7 in harsh environments.

确保您的边缘硬件具有适当的长期支持 - 通常至少超过船舶日期。这同时适用于硬件和可用的支持OS选项。

In general, plan on flexibility to address OS soup at thinner compute edges and both x86 and advanced RISC machines (ARM) based hardware. In Figure 1, the device edge is pretty much all ARM. This is another reason to leverage platform-independent — both silicon and OS — edge application frameworks.


Stay tuned for the next installments of this series in which I’ll dig deeper into the edge topic with pointers on sizing edge workloads, my three rules for Edge and IoT scale and eventually how we scale to the grail.

