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物联网技术可能能够节省实体零售商— provided they have a proper security strategy in place. After all, IoT introduces risks that go beyond the typical retail payment security concerns.

It’s easy to see why IoT technology is对传统零售商有吸引力. Consumers have grown accustomed to a smoother, quicker, easier shopping experience online. IoT devices can help stores look and feel more like that online experience. But as with the adoption of any new technology, businesses need to understand the risks, ensuring they’re protecting their customers’ personal information, intellectual property and payment data.

Traditional retail in decline


The numbers also show that brick-and-mortar retail is declining. According to arecent report by CoStar,每平方英尺的销售额(除几家公共零售商外,所有平方英尺)近年来平均下降到325美元左右,低于2000年代初的近375美元。


非接触式付款是可以将物联网广泛应用于实体零售商的一种方式。虽然许多零售商允许客户使用智能手机在商店内支付店内,但客户也有能力使用Apple Watch付款Apple Pay technology. The Apple Watch-wearing customer merely has to double click a side button while the watch display is near a store’s contactless reader. The watch will vibrate and the payment is complete.

迈出一步,亚马逊基于智能购物技术开发了整个商店。高级实体店,亚马逊去,旨在挑战“计算机视觉和机器学习的界限,以创建一家商店,使客户可以简单地接受他们想要的东西。”位于西雅图的旗舰店是配备物联网传感器used to understand customers’ interactions and behaviors. Amazon’s “Just Walk Out Technology” automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in a virtual cart. When customers are done shopping, they can just leave the store. Shortly after, Amazon charges customers’ Amazon accounts and sends receipts.

Other retail IoT devices being introduced into brick-and-mortar retail may sound whimsical on the surface — likeOak Labs’“smart mirrors” which use a touchscreen to allow shoppers to customize their fitting-experience — but even they rely on trustworthy data to do their jobs.

Trusting the data


For the technology to be successful, IoT devices must provide data that’s trustworthy. If you can’t trust the data, there’s no point in collecting it, analyzing it or making business decisions based on it. And that’s ultimately what retail IoT technology is all about. The信任的概念因为物联网数据是基于数据安全性的 - 从时间到创建和​​收集的,通过其在物联网生态系统中的更广泛分布。

Think of it this way: If a smart mirror incorrectly records a customer’s size and orders an entire wardrobe that is too small, the retailer will lose credibility. Or if one of Amazon’ssmart shelvesincorrectly counts the number of ketchup bottles in stock and neglects to order more ketchup, a customer’s weekend BBQ might be ruined.


