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一直发现新漏洞,包括紧急/11在VXWorks上运行,Meditronic的智能胰岛素泵上的Wi-Fi漏洞,基于与WannaCry相同的永恒蓝色软件包,Microsoft Windows 7到10上运行的Sodinokibi恶意软件以及选择性TCP确认漏洞,称为Sack Panic,该漏洞是居住在Linux Kernels TCP堆栈中的Sack Panic。

This is in addition to the infamousWannaCry ransomwareattack that is still active, and has been attributed to shutting down more than 60 hospitals in the UK and more than 100 million dollars in damages. But even though the danger is clear, and there are directives from the FDA and Office of Civil Rights to take action, not enough is being done to protect patient safety.

Who is responsible for medical device security?

通常,它主要负责大型医院的信息安全性,但是他们需要依靠生物医学工程师的专业专业知识来知道如何有效地保护医疗设备。Sharing information and collaboratingcan be difficult when the relevant experts work in different departments. Communications are even more complicated when biomedical engineering is outsourced. Recently, we are seeing a new trend where biomedical engineering is reporting to IT, which makes collaboration easier. A new position is also emerging: The medical device security engineer which makes one individual ultimately responsible for the security of medical devices.



Doctors and nurses are already at their limit caring for patients. When devices do有身份验证, punching in passwords to protect patient data and safety can appear counterproductive because they slow down patient treatments. Since remembering passwords is tedious, many caregivers share logins which can make devices even less secure.


If a patch isn’t available, all the relevant departments need to collaborate to apply a mitigation, such as limiting device communications by utilizing access lists or implementing network segmentation. All of these measurements can impact business processes related to patient care.

Collaboration with verification

Because of all the complexity and the high level of collaboration required, voluntary compliance to medical devices’security proceduresisn’t strong enough. To protect patient safety, medical device security should be fully regulated with specific measurable requirements, and then enforced. Doctors and other caregivers should also be educated about the potential risk to patient health by not securing medical devices as part of their formal training.

However, there are steps that hospitals can take today without waiting for regulations and cybersecurity training to take effect. Hospitals should make sure that all the responsible people in the relevant departments share all information related to medical device operations and clinical workflows.IT security需要成为采购过程的一部分,以便考虑安全要求。


医疗设备网络安全is a must, but it requires cooperation from everyone. A combination of training, sensible policies, enforcement and automation can help keep patients safe. Because in the end, patient health and safety are equally important.

