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Apple recently announced that it would be partnering with a slew of smart home companies to bring HomeKit to their products, which is anticipated to have a huge impact on consumer adoption and the industry overall.

Until recently, it often didn’t make sense for smart home companies to integrate with each other. From a user experience perspective, the types of platforms previously available had limitations that required the user to set up complicated rules in order to provide adequate and useful functionality. While this was great for early adopters, it was not ideal for the mass market. Now, HomeKit and Google Home will serve as two easy-to-use options that are certainly more user friendly than what’s previously been available.

Integration also didn’t really make sense up until now because there were very few best practices in place. In recent years, there have been many improvements that have made integrating a more feasible and reliable option for smart home companies. Now, there are better guidelines in place because of companies,like Apple, that are codifying sets of best practices as rules for HomeKit, ensuring that products will work consistently and predictably in the ecosystem.


现在是因为苹果公司和Google等公司领导智能家庭集成的收费,消费者已经熟悉他们的产品,服务和平台。因此,学习曲线并不那么陡峭。智能手机应用程序已经成为我们与大多数智能设备进行交互的方式,Apple和Google将将此功能集成到手机的操作系统中。这意味着用户不需要采用新平台 - 他们已经在上面了。

From a用户体验的观点,大多数人希望他们的产品能够无缝合作并无需付出很多努力。对于iPhone用户,HomeKit将多个设备本地集成到操作系统中,从而轻松将它们连接到平台。这些产品不必彼此了解,并且无需用户必须设置特定集成或规则即可无缝集成 - 它只是可行的。

These are clear examples of how we know the time is now for integrations to make sense. When platforms reach this level of readiness and ease of use, it then makes sense for an organization to integrate its product. When integrations are done well, it allows your product to function better and vastly improve the user experience by enabling an ease of use that was previously unavailable.

How can companies implement smart home integrations?





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