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As more and more businesses and consumers adopt connected devices that comprise the so-called物联网(物联网),它提出了一个问题:这些用户也采用哪些安全风险?广泛的安全研究(其中大部分已经成为主流媒体),在许多不同的设备类型中证明了一些非常严重的物联网安全缺陷。但是,所有这些发现似乎都感到脱节。这些缺陷是否偶然相似,并且仅限于所研究的特定设备或制造商?还是在玩更大的问题?

At Independent Security Evaluators, we had the hypothesis that these IoT security flaws in connected devices might plague the entire IoT industry, not just the few manufacturers who had been studied to date. So in order to prove (or disprove!) that hypothesis, we organized a hacking eventknown as IoT Village

IoT Village first debuted at esteemed security conference DEF CON from August 7-9, 2015. Over the course of the event, we had researchers from a wide range of security organizations present their work on various aspects of the IoT security flaw problem. In conjunction with these talks, we also had security researchers teaching hands-on workshops about how to break devices and how to harden them. Finally, we had a hacking contest, where we bought a range of devices and encouraged attendees tohack them together

Upon conclusion of IoT Village, we had unequivocally proven thatIoT security flaws in connected devices are pervasive。这是一些指标的快照,可以支持该发现:

66:0-day vulnerabilitiesdiscovered/presented overall

14: 0-day vulnerabilities discovered/presented in the contest

27: Unique devices

18: Different manufacturers

11: Researchers



IoT security flaws: Examples

SmartThings Motion Sensor: An attacker could exploit a vulnerability in such a way to interfere with the device’s ability to monitor motion. This would be very useful for a property thief or violent criminal, who could run the attack from outside the physical premise, break in to steal items or attack a tenant, and then leave the premise. After leaving the premise, the adversary would stop the attack against the device, returning it to normal operation. The motion sensor would not have triggered, and thus the adversary could circumvent the entire purpose of the device. (Credit: Wes Wineberg, Synack).

ISPY坦克:对手可以利用漏洞,使他们能够控制车轮和视频捕获。有效地,对手将能够获得遥控,动力,间谍机。这尤其令人担忧,因为这个玩具是针对儿童的,因此最有可能受到这次袭击受害的人也可能会暴露其孩子。(信用:Ken Munro,Pentest Partners)。

鹦鹉无人机:使用单个命令,攻击者可以使无人机从天上掉下来。随着无人机的部署是出于越来越多的目的,这次攻击的含义也会扩大。(信用:Ryan Satterfield,Zuda行星)。



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