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IoT is being applied in a wide range of industrial use cases, from sensors used to track things like equipment health, fuel efficiency and energy management to fully automated machines and robots used to outfit smart, connected factories. While IIoT offers tremendous opportunities to deliver more and richer data to drive operational efficiency and smart decision-making, it also puts increasing pressure on cybersecurity.

According to Frost & Sullivan, cyberattacks within the energy and utilities industries alone cost an average of $13.2 million per year. Hacking operations — such as LockerGoga, which crippled Norsk Hydro’s aluminum production, costing the company an estimated $52 million in losses;蜻蜓2.0, which targeted dozens of energy companies in the U.S. and Europe; andGreyEnergy这击败了乌克兰的电网 - 所有这些都强调了黑客如何充分利用工业控制系统中的安全漏洞,以及为什么在物联网时代,安全性变得越来越重要。

如果做得正确,IIOT可能会破坏。当做得不好时,它会造成物质安全风险。为了最好地防止网络攻击和其他安全风险,应确保每个工业设备。制造商应设计每个IIT设备或传感器,以符合当前的网络安全最佳实践,例如特权最少的原则,深入防御和访问控制。例如,IIOT设备应考虑到安全性,包括用于安全的,空中更改的功能启用更新to mitigate threats that are not present at deployment.


Getting IIoT security right


The device layer is where the digital world meets the real world, and hence where it is most at risk. This layer consists of IoT hardware, software, sensors and actuators. IoT devices are susceptible to spoofing, tampering, theft, elevation of privilege, information disclosure and repudiation threats. While organizations should look to design security into the devices by incorporating a hardware root of trust, at minimum they should adopt a strong secrets strategy — passwords, keys, certificates and so forth — or invest in additive security to harden devices in the wild.

通信层定义了物联网系统所需的通信协议,网络技术和通信服务提供商。它还可以定义必要的安全协议,例如数据传输层安全性或其他安全机制,例如X.509 certificates。通常,该层容易受到窃听,篡改,信息披露,欺骗和拒绝服务的影响。所有通信渠道上的强加密应为安全性优先级。在可行的,相互验证的通道的地方是首选。

The cloud platform ensures end-to-end semantic consistency of data objects throughout the distributed industrial IoT system. It describes how data flows into, out of and through the system, as well as how it is transformed and stored. It also contains the features and intelligence that gives an organization its competitive advantage. It provides the stream processing, event processing, dispatching, orchestration, analytics, algorithms and machine learning necessary to meet the needs of the business. This layer is susceptible to threats like tampering, information disclosure, elevation of privilege, theft and denial of service. Organizations should invest in a third-party assessment or monitoring of their cloud platform as virtually all attacks will involve taking advantage of weaknesses in this layer.


此外,新兴的安全法规有助于确保对更广泛行业的基线保护。我们开始看到国会山的运动以解决和打击工业安全威胁,最近一次H.R 5733,DHS工业控制系统功能增强法,这是去年在众议院提出的一项法案。


Securing IIoT devices or networks is a specialist field. Many companies don’t have access to the necessary skills to build and maintain a sustainable IIoT security architecture. As such, one critical question for businesses as they develop their IIoT security strategy is whether to go it alone or to get help.

Organizations should have their devices and networks inspected and tested for vulnerabilities and take the recommended actions to mitigate any risks. They should also demand suppliers harden devices and design products against tampering and attacks.





All IoT Agenda network contributors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their posts. Opinions are of the writers and do not necessarily convey the thoughts of IoT Agenda.
