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'4D printing' is the catchphrase, programmable materials the newsmakers


如果您近年来一直关注3D打印,那么您可能遇到了一个“下一个新事物”,听起来像是在暮光区梦dream以求的:4D打印, so dubbed and promoted by Skylar Tibbits, director of MIT's Self-Assembly Lab. 4D printing adds the dimension of time to the spatial dimensions of length, width and depth.

正如罗德·塞林(Rod Serling)所说的那样,您可以用化学,物理,工程和材料科学的钥匙解锁这项技术,并进入分子特性和计算机辅助设计的领域(卡德)。然后,您跨入可编程材料 - 这是导致自2014年以来大部分新闻的术语。

一旦生产3D打印机,可编程材料制成的物体继续形成,折叠,展开或组装自己,以响应外部刺激,例如光,运动,热,压力或水。Tibbits的TED谈话视频demonstrate multimaterial, printed 2D strands that curl themselves into the letters "MIT," and printed flat sheets of programmable materials that, once robotically cut, transform themselves into shoes.

4D打印:麻省理工学院自我折叠链自组装实验室,麻省理工学院, 在Vimeo

Tibbits说,4D打印开始是一种“打印”机器人的方式,但删除了所有机电系统。他解释说:“传感器,电动机,所有电子设备,电池 - 只是打印可以改变自身的材料。”“这样,打印一件聪明的东西比愚蠢的事情不再需要花费更多的钱,而且不再需要组装时间,不再是失败的,而是拥有我们想要的所有能力。”

Skylar tibbitsSkylar tibbits

Asked in what way can materials be "programmable" and Tibbits responded, "Several." One way is in its geometric inner structure, both visible and molecular. Depending on the way in which material fabric is "printed" in a 3D printer -- in what shapes, patterns and physical properties -- it has different expanding or contracting abilities. Auxetic materials come up often in this context and are frequently used in self-assembling projects. They respond to stretching in an unusual way; instead of widening and thinning out as, say, a piece of cotton or polyester might, they expand both lengthwise and widthwise. The "weave" of such a fabric, to pick a nontechnical term, often displays a bowtie shape. (The "technical" description of an auxetic material is one that has a negative Poisson's ratio.)

Encoding shape into programmable materials


他解释说:“想想木材。”“这是在编码某种能力,当它对水分做出反应时,它会卷曲。因此,我们开发的一个项目是可打印的木材 - 锯末和聚合物粘合剂的混合物,被挤出为灯丝,并被印在不同的图案中。我们可以创建自己的自定义谷物,以便它可以弯曲到许多程度并以可预测的方式进行转换。您可以使用金属,纺织品,塑料或橡胶做同样的事情。我们已经对碳纤维,纺织品,纺织品,各种聚合物板和皮革。”






they started with a single sheet of carbon fiber -- "fully cured, but flexible, super-light and strong" --developed by Carbitex. "We found a way to print and laminate different layers on it so that it responds to control the air flow to that engine. At first, we did it in response to temperature on the outside, and we eventually moved to pressure. As the plane flies faster, you have a pressure differential from inside to outside, and you can use that to activate the material to transform. We did wind tunnel testing to show that it can transform from one shape to another in a repeatable way."


Briggs Automotive Company Ltd. in the U.K. has also used programmable carbon fiber to develop a morphable wing for its supercar. The wing adjusts to external conditions, such as rainstorms, providing maximum downforce.

可编程碳纤维 - 变形超级跑车来自MIT的自组装实验室,在Vimeo上。


at Harvard demonstrate their

WYSS生物学启发的工程研究所是在该领域观看的另一个哈佛大学实验室,该研究所在浸入水中时会改变形状的水凝胶结构的添加剂建筑物。2015年研究的高级作者是詹妮弗·刘易斯(Jennifer Lewis),他也是3D打印硬件公司Voxel8 Inc. Voxel8的科学联合创始人,反过来与Autodesk Inc.紧密相关,该公司将其CAD技术带入了适应性的设计和使用中和可编程材料。

the Wyss Institute has also made recent news in the self-assembly of synthesized DNA "bricks," arriving at 3D nanostructures with potential in medical diagnostics and drug delivery.


根据2017年7月报告从Grand View Research Inc., military and defense spending is expected to lead growth in global 4D printing until 2025. It names Stratasys Ltd., Autodesk and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise as key players that plan on "expanding the market presence through a series of new product launches, announcements and partnerships." While it pegs the technology's cumulative annual growth rate at over 33.2% from 2020 to 2025, it sizes the total market at $313.1 million by the end of that period -- not a figure of runaway growth. The report also alludes to road bumps in the form of high development costs, intellectual property issues and potential safety hazards.

there are other ways besides programmed self-assembly in which additive manufacturing and 3D printing will enable and speed the development of products, both everyday (think circuitry, shoes) and visionary (think nanorobotic drug delivery vehicles).

“您用想象力的关键解锁了这扇门。除了它是另一个维度 - 声音的维度,视觉维度,思想的维度。...” - 罗德·塞林(Rod Serling),边缘地区

