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With just a handful of security measures, organizations and workers can prevent hackers from infiltrating IoT devices and protect user privacy.

This is the age of automation, AI and IoT. More and more companies have transformed the way they do business and are ready to ride the wave of digital transformation. For some, they had no choice but to adopt digitalization because the COVID-19 pandemic forced people to work remotely. This transformation opened the door wide open for IoT devices and their large-scale adoption.

物联网设备使我们的生活变得方便,更高效。尽管几种物联网设备在我们的生活中找到了自己的位置,但对be aware of the security risksand threats of cyber attacks.

可以说的是,物联网设备几乎没有任何内置的安全性,这使它们成为黑客的理想目标。大多数物联网设备是互连的,compromises the security of multiple devices如果一个设备被黑客入侵。在享受其特权之前,您必须了解一些有关确保IoT设备的事情。这IIT市场2016年的尺寸为1,150亿美元,预计到2023年将达到1970亿美元,从2017年到2023年的复合年增长率为7.5%。


Most people forget to rename the router and stick to the name given by the manufacturer. This could hamper the security of your private Wi-Fi. Give any name that is not associated with you. To secure your IoT devices, the network and Wi-Fi are the first defense against hackers because many IoT devices are connected to Wi-Fi. Make sure to change default privacy and security settings. Those settings often benefit manufacturers more than you. Avoid online shopping using public Wi-Fi because anyone can steal your data.

2. Disconnect IoT devices when they are not needed

You must be aware of every functionality that you need from your IoT device. Most of today's devices can connect to the internet, including refrigerators and television. However, that does not mean you need to connect them to the internet. You must look closely at the设备的功能and learn exactly which device needs internet connectivity to function.


如果您仍然使用“密码”和“ Qwerty”作为密码,则需要重新考虑它。使用共同且简单的物联网设备密码,意味着打开黑客的前门。强大而安全的密码是针对黑客的最佳防御。确保为每个设备使用新的独特密码。如果黑客可以猜测您的一个密码,它可能会损害您拥有该密码的每个设备。是的,记住所有密码可能会很麻烦,但是保护IoT设备至关重要。您可以在日记中写下它们,但请不要保留电子音符。

4. Avoid using Universal Plug and Play

While Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) has its uses, it can make打印机,路由器,相机和IoT devices vulnerableto cyber attacks. The principle behind designing UPnP is to make it easier to network devices without additional configuration and help them automatically discover each other. However, this benefits hackers more than anything as they can discover all IoT devices beyond your local network. Therefore, it is best to turn off UPnP completely.



这majority of IoT manufacturers send regular updates or you can visit their website to check for new updates and security patches. Because IoT devices have no other layer of protection, updating regularly is crucial for their security. Updating IoT device software ensures that the device possesses the latest antimalware and antivirus countermeasures. Moreover, it helps the system clean up the security flaws of older software versions. Hackers are constantly improving their plans to invade your privacy. It is better to update software and be prepared for any outside attacks.


Swamini Kulkarni拥有浦那大学的仪器和控制工程学士学位,并在Allied Market Research担任内容作家。她对技术对人类生活的影响深深着迷,并喜欢谈论科学和神话。

