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福特在9月14日给投资者提供了一个真正有洞察力的演讲。当我说“洞察力”时,我真的是指它因为它深入了解其未来的连通汽车战略,从电动车上覆盖了一切自动驾驶未来的流动性IOT.- “大数据”的主题。福特正在重新发明自己及其商业模式,这是一家旧学校公司的勇敢举动。但是,如果它设法将其拉出,福特将在10年内无法辨认。


  1. 汽车OEM的传统收入为2.3万亿美元(即,车辆的销售),而其他运输垂直占有5.4万亿美元(包括批量交通,出租车,汽车分享和名称的保险)。福特现在有0%,它计划成为价值链中的主要参与者,包括开发自己的共用使用服务甚至半批量转风车辆。
  2. 福特已经绘制了连接的生态系统,如在内的远程化,支付系统(例如,使用汽车作为支付设备),驾驶员管理,企业数据解决方案,车辆管理和汽车分享。今天,福特在那种生态系统中没有做点,但现在其大部分车辆都有蜂窝连接,福特想开发穿透更广泛生态系统的服务。
  3. 福特是reinventing itself as a platform company, whether that’s a cloud technology platform (which includes FinTech, autonomy, data management and connectivity as the four main pillars) or a physical vehicle platform on which it can more rapidly innovate new vehicle types and use cases.
  4. 它的四个主要创新领域是“用户体验”,“商业模式”,“数据和分析”和“敏捷并购和收购团队”。作为后者的一个例子,今年早些时候,福特为一家云的科技公司提供了1.82亿美元的关键项。
  5. It may have coined two new terms that we will hear a lot more about: transportation as a service, or TaaS, (being pioneered by Uber, but let’s not forget mass transit too), and vehicle management as a service, or VMaaS, which is where the entire vehicle lifecycle is offered as a package including acquisition, financing, insurance, maintenance, upgrading and ultimately disposal. These will rely heavily on cloud infrastructure.
  6. Ford had a great slide in its presentation which said that every minute of every day in the U.S. there are 125,000 taxis and ride-sharing cars on the road, there are 60,000 shared rides taking place, and there are 450,000 bytes of data being generated by every car (most of which doesn’t get transmitted across cellular, luckily).
  7. 福特新的独立实体绿地实验室专注于共同运输的新消费者体验和智能城市通过绘制福特的技术和专业知识,结合了更广泛的技术生态系统。
  8. 该公司正在重大投资世界上最大的“数据和分析平台”之一。它指出,今天的汽车有1,500个单独的数据元素,有时以每秒50次发送的速率,并且在一小时的常规驾驶期间由汽车创建25 GB的数据。大多数情况下都不是目前正在传输,但是当它确实时,很容易看出为什么福特必须创建一个大规模的数据中心来存储和分析它。
  9. 在普通车辆数据之上,福特还可以访问消费者数据,公司舰队数据,物流数据,包括货运,运输和快递数据,以及全球天气等环境数据,因此使所有这些数据都有意义 - 和货币化它 - 是一个很大的焦点是福特。
  10. Ford wants to be a major and integral part of tomorrow’s smart cities by delivering consumer engagement solutions based on actionable data, ride-sharing platforms beyond today’s Uber, telematics, business-to-business services and a new wave of commerce that could very well be vehicle-oriented.







